Starwheel is a community integration framework that helps
to interconnect and efficiently organize different collectives with shared intentions.
Starwheel hosts online and real-life groups and collectives
effectively involving members to communicate on different
levels and do specific activities aligned by common purposes.
Starwheel provides online communication and collaboration tools,
multi-level organizational models and principles.
Starwheel interacts on the following 3 levels:
1. Self-organized Coaching Circles -
Mobilizing small groups of people and providing safe meeting
spaces for online coaching circles. People can meet regularly
in small groups to teach, learn, play, support and empower
each other.
2. Conscious Communities and Organizations - Providing community
integration framework to facilitate self-organization and co-creation
of conscious and thriving communities and organizations.
Offering Holacracy experts, systemic
organizational coaches and community building
specialists at important times of
community formation, its active lifecycle and possible
dissolution to guarantee continuous engagement within the
larger ecosystem.
3. Global Ecosystem - Interconnect many many collectives
and New Earth seeds in a global decentralised self-governing spiritual-socio-economic
ecosystem united by fellowship, co-creating abundance, joy and harmony for all.
We facilitate the space for new and higher organizations
and reunions to come into life. Join us to co-create.
The Starwheel framework with its web
and mobile applications is in the prototyping stage, open
source on GitHub.